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It is our utmost pleasure to welcome you to the seventh edition of the Gymnázium Omská Model United Nations in a few days. As the event is approaching, it is the team’s greatest priority to make sure that you are as prepared as possible for this experience.
The conference will take place on the 3rd-6th November. You may find attached to this email the handbook which will serve you as a guide for the four days of the conference. In this document, you will find concrete information about the venues, transportation, social event and the approximate agenda. As you may know, this year, ceremonies are taking place at the Prague City Hall. Thus, on Friday 3rd, we will be welcoming you from 9:30 AM to 11:00 PM at the entrance where registration will take place. If you for any reason will not be in time, please contact us beforehand.
On Monday and after the opening ceremony on Friday the General Assembly will be held. The General Assembly is the main policy-making organ of the United Nations comprising all Member States, and thus all delegates of GOMUN 2023 will participate in the debate together. For all the Newcomers - no one will be forced to speak, all delegates will however have to raise their placards and state whether their country is present after the Motion to Establish the Quorum. The P5 delegates of the Security Council will present their opening speeches on Friday at the GA. The voting on the General Assembly will be done through the GOMUN Account, therefore please verify that you have no difficulty signing in. And if so, please contact us on
The Committee work on Saturday and Sunday will be held at the hosting institution Gymnázium Omská. On both days, the Committee work will start at 9:00 AM.
The official social event of GOMUN is the Sunday GOMUN Ball. The delegates may enjoy music, dancing battles or funny competitions with each other in an opulent hall in the Masaryk Dormitory of ČVUT. The social event will commence at 8:00 PM and end at 11:30 PM. Please note that all delegates will be required to have their physical ID, if they do not, they will not be issued with an over 18 wristband, even if they are of legal age to buy alcoholic baverages.
Of course, as with any Model United Nations conference, GOMUN 2023 has a mandatory dress code: every participant should be wearing Western business attire (suit, formal dress/skirt, shirts, formal shoes etc.).
All delegates will be added to their respective WhatsApp groups in the following days. In these groups you will be able to contact your chairs and fellow delegates and all the updates about the conference will be posted there. Please download the WhatsApp app if you have not done so yet.
Lastly, we would like to remind all delegates that the deadline for the Position Paper is Tuesday 11:59 PM. The submission of the Position Paper is mandatory and necessary to be eligible for a best-delegate award, honourable mention, or best newcomer. Please upload your Position Paper here, into your committee's folder. (Please note that the delegates of the Crisis Committee obviously do not have to write a Position Paper.)
We remain at your disposal if you have any questions.The entire GOMUN team is thrilled to welcome you in a few days for this unforgettable event.
Adam Kryhut, Deputy Secretary General of GOMUN 2023