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AlejMUN 2025 - Important Updates

Welcome to AlejMUN 2025!

We are more than thrilled to have you on board, and we hope you will enjoy the conference to the very fullest. As the conference approaches, here are some important updates to help you prepare:

1. Position Papers

Writing a position paper is not mandatory but is highly encouraged to help you be better prepared for negotiations. We want this to be a tool for your success, rather than an obligation.

However, there is one exception:

If you would like feedback on your position paper, your chairs are available to assist you—feel free to reach out to them!

2. Chair Contact Information

Your chairs’ emails will be included here, so you know who to contact for committee-related questions. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to ask them!

3. Conference Timetable

The official conference timetable has been set! Please read it carefully so you are well-prepared for all sessions. You can find it on this link: Conference Timetable

4. Necessities

So what do you need for a successful conference?

5. Dress Code

The official dress code for the duration of the event is business casual. If in doubt, please consult the Code of Conduct published on our website or click here to open it directly.

We look forward to seeing you at AlejMUN 2025 for an exciting and engaging conference. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

With kind regards,

Barbora Dvořáková
Secretary General at AlejMUN 2025