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We are thrilled to welcome you to Prague in November
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GOMUN24 will commence on the 8th of November and close on the 11th. Our conference begins with the Opening ceremonies which will take place at the Prague City Hall on Friday. That day, registration will open at approximately 9:30. Here, you will receive your lanyards, participant kits, preordered merch, and will have the chance to buy additional T-shirts. The Opening Ceremony will commence at 11:00. We kindly ask you to calculate your transport in advance as late arrival may disturb the speeches of our guest speakers.
Committee sessions on Saturday and Sunday will be held at the hosting institution, Gymnázium Omská;, located in proximity to the Kubánské Náměstí station. On Monday, the conference will return to Prague City Hall to accommodate the General Assembly session and Closing ceremony. A detailed agenda will be uploaded to our website in the upcoming weeks.
Sunday Ball
This year, the notorious GOMUN Sunday Ball will present the theme: The Roaring 20s. The delegates may enjoy authentic music, dancing competitions, and much more in an opulent hall in the Masaryk Dormitory of ČVUT. The dress code for this event is the Fashion of the 1920s. Think of The Great Gatsby or Chicago when preparing your outfit.
We strongly encourage you to start researching the country you have been assigned to for GOMUN24. This research should encompass its history, geography, politics, economy, foreign relations, domestic issues, and more. After exploring the main actors, past international actions, and causes and consequences of your committee's topics, we also invite you to familiarize yourself with your country's stance on these issues and the strategies it could adopt to address them. Additionally, compare this to the positions held by other countries in your committee.
Study guides for all committees (except for ICJ which will be uploaded very soon) can now be found on our website. In this guide, you will find detailed information on the committee topics, as well as online resources you should consult to deepen your understanding of these topics.
On our website, you will find the link to the GOMUN Rules of Procedure (ROPs). The ROPs include detailed explanations on moderated and unmoderated caucuses, the motions and points you will use throughout the debates, and additional directions and suggestions for the conference to guide you through the debates. If you are a delegate of the Crisis Committee, please read the Crisis ROPs and the Directives guide, if a delegate of ICJ, please read the ICJ ROPs. You may also study the resolution guide, to understand the process of drafting a resolution.
All Delegates will be required to submit a Position Paper three days before the conference. You can find the requirements for the Position Paper on our website in the documents section. The submission of the Position Paper is mandatory and necessary to be eligible for a best-delegate award, honorable mention, or best newcomer. We stress the importance of this document as it enhances the quality of the debates by forcing you to synthesize your knowledge into a concise document and allowing you to gain an overview of each Delegate's perspectives at the beginning of the committee sessions. If you are a delegate of the crisis committee, you do not need to write a Position Paper.
We hope this information is clear and helpful in your preparation for the conference.
We remain at your disposal if you have any questions.
The entire GOMUN team is thrilled to welcome you in a few weeks for this unforgettable event.
Diplomatically yours,
Adam KRYHUT, Secretary-General of GOMUN24